"If you like moon landings" -- fine, but not a fan of HLS Starship. I could be a fan of a 100% Starship based moon system that provides 4 missions a year at $250-500M per mission sustaining a lunar base of 10 people. But with kiss-NASA's-ass HLS contract, that possibility is probably gone until later in the 2030s.

Per Mars, other Elon ventures are talked up, but I think they may coincidental to Mars. If Elon was seeding a company called "Mars Surface Support" now, with a few $B of Elon fun money to attract a graduating generation of engineers to the quest, then I might buy there was a Shadow Mars Program, but his cats and dogs of "X", neutralink and even Tesla are just his notions proposed, and then left to run wild. At least Tesla is paying the bills.

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Despite bad press Elon has a reason for everything. He hates being the CEO, so must have a really good reason to become CEO of so many companies. Strange coincidence all of these companies are developing products that can be used to support Mars settlement...

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