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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023Liked by Chris Prophet

Yes, it was great progress.

What was really proven for the first time is that the near optimal MethLOX fueled Full-flow staged combustion R2 engines can work together as a set of 33 with TCV for several minutes. My guess this is the most energy dense machine in terms of energy per square meter that has ever existed. Even if the Starship Stainless Steel rocket body is later replaced by something like Carbon Composite, the dream set out by the Soviet N1 has been shown to be possible.

Also, the launch mount + water looked good, enabling less FWS hassles and lowering costs for other launch sites around the world in the future.

But this did not prove Starship as a general use space system as set out the SX goals, but it did not show any showstoppers yet. So time for more optimization and testing, and maybe in a couple years there will be flight worthy of Elon's premature pronouncement.

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