Nice writeup

Few items

1) CNBC reported that SX has not filed for industrial wastewater permits for the water deluge. Some have said it is just drinking water, so who cares. But would you drink the water coming out of a huge car wash? There is a lot of residual oils and welding chems that get steam blasted with a launch or static test. Just saying there are items that FWS can chew on for awhile.

2) The Biden administration will not give any Elon based effort any relief from the letter of the law, applied at the slow pace of Fed gov't business as usual.

3) It would be fun to see a SX lawsuit against the FAA, and there is a small chance it could get kicked to SCOTUS next year, and then a favorable ruling.

4) Elon should do a trip to Australia ASAP, and see if they might get a better deal from Australia East Coast governments since US launches from there has just been approved. With all the NatGas there, it would be a nice place to run refuel ops from ... and it would be a nice upgrade for the staff over BC.

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Believe SpaceX already covered for residual oils and welding chems from previous environmental review (i.e. PEA). Rain would wash such residues into the mudflats, which should have been considered and accounted for.

Possibly SpaceX are waiting for an optimum moment to launch legal case against FAA. If there's a government shutdown in November that would be ideal. Defense lawyers are non-essential employees hence furloughed during any such shutdown, which means SpaceX wins by default, due to lack of a defense.

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